Member: Selbsthilfegruppe Tinnitus (Berlin)
This Berlin self-help group offers its services to people of all ages from Berlin and the surrounding area who suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears). It helps those affected and their relatives to cope with tinnitus, educates on how to handle it best and supports them in developing their own coping strategies.
Vision: Nobody has to deal with tinnitus on their own.

Contact person for EUTINNET members and those affected
Edgar Wagner (Director)
Phone: +49 (0)30 76802882
Mobil: +49 (0)171 273 67 69
eMail: edgarwagner@t-online.de
Current projects

Continuous services
Networking of affected persons with each other and with their social environment
Listening and being heard: Regular exchange of information and experience between long-time sufferers, cooperating physicians and treatment providers.
Expert lectures and mental support