To participate

Your start: The two-step login
Please register via the first input mask with your surname, first name, e-mail address and mobile number. You will be asked to enter a password. Please save your password in a safe place so that you can participate in further questions at a later date. You will then receive two confirmation codes: One by SMS and another by email. A second input mask will appear asking you to enter the confirmation codes one after the other into separate fields. If the entry is correct, you will receive a confirmation message and the notice that you can now participate in the study.

What you should please note when completing the questionnaires
After successful registration, you can start answering the questionnaires. Simply click on the “Begin” button to the right of the first questionnaire. A window will then open with a short introduction about the content and objectives of the respective questionnaire as well as concrete instructions on how to answer the questions. As soon as you have answered a questionnaire, you will automatically be taken back to the selection menu and can start answering the next questionnaire. You can only print out the evaluation of the two questionnaires Mini-TF12 and TBF12 after answering all questions. Your data will be encrypted and stored in a database for the evaluation, so that no conclusions can be drawn about your person (for further information: see privacy policy).

How long does it take to participate?
In total, the study comprises 134 questions. Only if all questions are answered can you be used for scientific evaluation. Only if all questions are answered can you be used for scientific evaluation. Once you have answered a question, it will be saved and you will not be able to answer that question again! It is not possible to skip individual questions. Therefore, think about your answers thoroughly, but please do not think too long either. If you answer the questions quickly one after the other, you will need about 25 minutes. However, you have a total of 24 hours to complete all the questionnaires. An information box will tell you how much time you have left for the remaining questionnaires.
If you do not complete the questionnaires within the 24 hours, your data will not be saved by the system and your already cached answers will be deleted. The function “Print” of the results of the two tinnitus questionnaires is not available to you in this case.

How will your data be evaluated later?
The EUTINNET Scientific Board meets once a year to review and evaluate the collected data. After an evaluation is completed, the results are published in scientific journals. We will continuously inform you about the publication dates on our website.
Would you like to learn more about the validation methods of the multilingual questionnaires? Then you can find more information here:
- Info about the scientific validations and publications of the questionnaires (link to PDF)
You’d like to participate in the Europe-wide web-based tinnitus study? Then we would like to ask you to carefully read the project description (info flyer), the declaration of consent and the data protection declaration and to confirm that you have read and agreed to them. You can then register for participation. To do so, please click on the button “To the questionnaires”.
- Info flyer (link to PDF)
- Data protection and security concept (link to PDF)
- Declaration of consent (link to PDF)