Your membership
As a member you support us in realising joint networking opportunities, research projects and communication projects.
The exclusive benefits of membership include:
- Free presentation of your self-help organisation on the EUTINNET website
- Invitation to our biannual networking meetings, which offer you direct exchange of experiences with other self-help groups in Europe
- Free access to the online knowledgebase with a lot of information about tinnitus research, new service offers and practical experience reports of European self-help as well as picture material and infographics, which can be used for social media communication and press work
- Regular EUTINNET newsletter
- Invitation to the gala of the Tinnitus and Hearing Foundation Charité in Berlin
- Free admission to the annual International Tinnitus Symposium in Berlin

Gunhild Flöter
Contact person coordination
and membership EUTINNET
Luisenstrasse 13
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 7890 7670
Are you interested in becoming a member of EUTINNET?
Here you can download our application form.
> EUTINNET_Declaration of consent <
Please fill it out, sign it and send it back to us by e-mail to
Upon receipt of your application, we will immediately forward it to the EUTINNET management, which will quickly decide on your membership.